Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Le Métro

Today is le 30 septembre, the last day of the month, so everybody in Paris has to recharge their metro cards, including me! I am getting around using a PassNavigo, a monthly card that I can use for the metro, buses, and the RER (Réseau Express Regional, Paris’s other metro system that goes outside of Paris). My PassNavigo costs 56E per month which is kind of expensive but I am finding that it is well worth the price. Since today and tomorrow are important metro days for Parisians, I figured I would tell you a bit about le métro! Plus, I had a classic Parisian metro ride this week on my way home from rugby Monday night. One part normal big city craziness and one part me not understanding exactly what was going on….

Even though I am at heart a country mouse, I am starting to feel très métropolitienne, especially during my daily commute on le métro. I now confidently lift the lever to open the doors (not all the trains have automatic doors) and don’t just go to the door where there are other people (like I did my first week). I now even open the door before the train comes to a complete stop and hop out while the train is still moving. Je suis trés parisienne, non?

Also, all of you should know that not all the Paris metro stops have the swirly, artsy signs that everyone associates with Paris. Most stations have signs you would see in any other city around the world. I am thinking that the more touristy areas have the classic Metropolitain signs but I haven’t quite figured it out yet.

Although some days I certainly feel like a chic city metro rider, I routinely have my fille de la campagne moments. I once got so caught up in the hustle and bustle of rush hour that I walked in the complete wrong direction in Charles de Gaulle Étoile. Most of the Paris metro stations are huge and have several exits that all put you on a different street. You really have to read the sign carefully and look at the map to make sure you go out the correct sortie. Well, I was tired and hungry and just wanted to get home but everybody around me was practicially running up the stairs and through the metro station. I got so caught up trying to keep pace that I walked in the completely wrong direction and ended up having to reswipe my pass into the station and walk back out the exit. I was embarrassed but whatever, I blamed it on lack of sleep.

So, on Monday night I’m on my way home from rugby (first scrimmage tomorrow, yikes!) and after switching lines I get on the train that will take me to Charles de Gaulle Étoile, my stop. I had my headphones on but when I sat down I saw that a woman was talking so I turned off my music. The woman looked like she was probably homeless but I think she was performing la poesie (poetry). Either that or she was just crazy….

Of course I didn’t understand a word of what she was saying. She was at the other end of the train and had a sweaky, high pitched voice. Plus, she was swinging here body and moving her arms above her head as if she were a great theatrical actress, which made the situation all the more amusing. The other passengers didn’t look too annoyed, which was what made me think that she was reciting a bit of of.... original.... poetry. After she finished her performance, she started another whole rant about giving simply les pièces (coins). The whole thing lasted only two stops but it added a little more excitement to my trip. Using I do my best to ignore les fous (crazy’s) on the metro but this one was oddly fascinating. Everything from her bizarre wardrobe to her funny voice made it so I couldn’t look away. Thank goodness I had my headphones. Earbuds are perfect for this type of metro situation. I can turn off my music and listen to everything going on around me everybody thinks I’m still listening to my music ...ohhh I’m sneaky.

I have another big day tomorrow so I should really get to bed. I have my first philosophy class at Paris 12 and then I have a rugby scrimmage in the afternoon! I will have to rush from class to rugby, which is kind of far outside the city and requires me to buy a special RER ticket, in an hour. I told la responsible that I will be late but I hope I’m not too late!

Bonne soirée

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